You can always contact us by calling, e-mailing, social media or the good ole' postal service. Be sure to stop by and see us at one of the shows that we attend. To try out a bow, or just talk awhile.
If you are going to be in the area, give us a call and stop by to see our showroom.
TimberHawk Bows, Inc
2621 State Road 446
Heltonville, In 47436
Hi, I'm Scott Mitchell
Archery has captivated me since I was eleven years old. (1973 you do the math) to say it's a passion would barely describe it.
I am blessed with my wife Charlene, who tolerates the often excessive amount of time spent hunting, fishing, camping, building bows and who knows what all.
We have two children, Levi and Aricka that accompany me to many of the things just mentioned.
You will see Levi at any show we attend, He's been coming with me since he was 5 years old. He is the number two man at TimberHawk. And now works in the shop with me.
Trust in the LORD, and lean not on your own understanding. And He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Hi, I’m Levi, Scott Mitchell’s son.
My part at TimberHawk covers a lot of different areas. But it’s a lot of fun. I do the marketing, accessory sales and do machine work on bows.
Dad got me my first bow when I was five and started taking me along to shoots. Accuracy was not my main goal at shoots. All I wanted to do was see my arrow fly and stick in a target. So, I would shoot targets in the butt where the foam was less dense. This and going to all the archery shows with dad, the rest of my family and his friends gave me a life time hobby.
I was always interested in the archery business ever since I was old enough to walk. I would always go hang out in the work shop with dad and watch him. As I got older I got to making bow strings and arrows for my self and others. When I was 13, I got dad to give me a small loan to start my own archery retail business. I started off making custom arrows and bowstrings and quickly learned I could sell things to go with those items I could make more money. It wasn’t long after this that it became a part of TimberHawk and it really took off.
More recently I have been attending college to get my business and marketing degree. It has cut back on some of the time I can spend in the shop. But I will be graduating next year and plan to use my education along with experience already gained to build TimberHawk to new levels.
Oh, I also like ice cream.
Hello, this is Roger.
I try to take care of the TimberHawk's computing and technical needs. Actually, taking care of the business side of TimberHawk isn't to difficult but taking care of Scott's and Levi's side of technical short comings is another story.
Archery is just one of my 37 hobbies. Some examples of other hobbies include hunting, fishing, camping, computing, photography, making fun of Levi, and of course, watching paint dry.
The pay stinks, but the perks are (were) pretty good. They laugh at my jokes and feed me when I help out. What more could a person want?
At the shows, I hang around and make sure that Scott and Levi make correct change from the cash box. The reason is that when I don't go to a shoot with them, the cash box isn't as full at the end but they have a lot more toys than they went with. I wouldn't care, except I don't get any new toys. So I try to keep an eye on them.
Anyhow, I'm kinda the eye candy for our booth, so stop on by and say hi when you see me.
Roger L. Waldrip
The crew as you may meet them at the shop or archery shows. Consists of Myself and Levi. Then it will include any number of other people that will work for food. (Cheap food.) Roger, who besides helping in the shop, takes care of all of our IT needs.
Longtime friend and famous grizzly bear hunter, Doug Fritch will be in attendance at most shows, for his celebrity status and eye candy. I’m not sure how many grizzlies he has taken. But I know it’s fewer than a dozen.
Be sure to look us up at shows or if you in the area. We would love to meet you, and you can have your picture taken with Doug.