TimberHawk Bows
Support Files
Last updated on Mar 21, 2022
This page will contain files needed to support TimberHawk bows. They may or may not be directly related to the web site.
The page is protected so in order to view it the user has to be logged into the web site.
K40 software can be found at the bottom of this page
K40 Laser Engraver
**NOTE** - Instructions on using the K40, including image prep and use of Inkscape, will be coming soon.
These files are for use with the K40 laser engraver.
When using an SVG file for the K40, always use the file with the latest date appended to the end of the file name.
This is a blank template file to assist in adding new images for burning on the K40. It contains only the chevron and other notable features. After adding a new graphic, turn off the 'Template copy' layer and leave only the graphic and the 'Chevron' layer on.
(Click to download)
This is the K40 SVG deer file. It was last updated on July 6, 2021.
(Click to download)
This is the K40 SVG Hawk file. It was last updated on July 6, 2021.
(Click to download)