Last updated on June 30, 2021 @ 5:45pm


Trailer Wrap

Mock Up and Instructions


Timberhawk Bows trailer wrap information.


This page is for the purpose of disseminating information for the purpose of wrapping the TimberHawk Bows trailer in a catchy graphic.



If you have any further questions Contact Scott Mitch or Roger Waldrip.




Scott Mitchell


Roger Waldrip


(if calling Roger, text before hand identifying who you are as I don't usually answer calls I don't recognize).



Click on Images to enlarge them.
Rear of Trailer Mock Up

Rear of Trailer


The rear background is titled RampBackground. Use your judgement as to exact placement and sizing using the mock up provided as a guideline. For the mockup I lightened/darkened (sorry I don't remember which) to make the other elements of the wrap stand out so do which ever you think looks best.

The Bible verse Joshua 24:15 is done in Arial Black text. It's gold properties are R=255, G-170, B=0 or hex #FFAA00. It has a small thin black outline.


"TimberHawk Bows" text is done in Calligraph421 BT text. It has the color value of R=255, G=170, B=0 or hex #FFAA00.


All other text is done in Arial Black with a color value of R=255, G=200, B=120 or hex #FFC878.


The HawkLogo for the back is an SVG file. It's gold outline has a color value of R=255, G=170, B=0 or hex #FFAA00. The brown portions have a color value of R=100, G=35, B=0. The portion of the eye that is not gold in color is black. Portions of the face/beak and the remainder of the feet/claws/talons have a color value of R=255, G=200, B=120. The mockups provided may show some transparency in the hawk but there should be none.  The hawk should be solid using the four colors provided (gold, brown, black and light gold).



Left Side of Trailer Mock Up
Right Side of Trailer Mock Up

Left and Right Sides of Trailer


Both sides of the trailer use the DeerBackground-Spline image. It is 6400x4000 pixels. The deer should go to the front of the trailer. Mirror one side of the camper to the other. For my mockup, I cut a portion of the DeerBackground-Spline image flipped it on it horizontal axis and placed it onto the rear of the trailer. This allowed the picture to finish filling the sides and the flip made for a fairly seamless patch. Doing this on such a large canvas may show the patch more so you may want to blur or use some other magic to combine the images.


The forward bow is a Talon on both sides.


The rear bow is a Strike on both sides.


Assuming the the HawkLogo will stand out as well on the trailer wrap as it does in the mock up, the HawkLogo on the sides should contain on the Gold color. Everything else should be transparent.

The "TimberHawk Bows" text on the sides are the same color values as above.


The Bible verse is the same as above. Use your judgement for exact placement and sizing in the wrap under the deer.


All other text is the same as above.


The Bows

The Talon bow is to be located in front of the Strike bow and is title Talon.


The Strike box should be located to the rear of the Talon bow and is titled Strike.


Use you best judgement as to the slant of the bows. The risers should be of equal length with the Strike riser being perhaps slightly shorter. The mock up is a pretty representation of their perspective sizes.


Text sizes on both the right and left sides should be the same size despite how they may appear on the mock up.




Plain Front Trailer Mock Up
Enhanced Graphics Trailer Front Mock Up

Plain Front

(unsure which Scott is going to use)

Take a swath of the DeerBackground-Spline picture and place it on the front panels of the trailer.



Enhanced Graphics Trailer Front

(unsure which Scott is going to use)


Take a swath of the DeerBackground-Spline picture and place it on the front panels of the trailer.


Align-Tilt the both bows on the front as you see best. Again, the riser of the strike should be slightly smaller than that of the Talon.


I switched around the order of the web addres and phone number for the front to make it more visually appealing.

Align the "TimberHawk Bows" text height in both panels.


Align the "Custom Made Traditional Bows" text in both panels.




Click on the link for the flavor of image needed to accomplish your task.


Trailer Rear





Trailer Sides




Hawk Logo


** The HawkLogo was created in Corel's CorelDraw initially and modified in Inkscape later.  Just information in case you need it.

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